ICYMI: Middletown's Capone and Tobacco respond to Murphy's lawsuits
"The fact that we're actually even having this discussion concerns everyone," said President Capone.
MIDDLETOWN- Board of Education President Frank Capone and Vice President Jacqueline Tobacco took the national media to discuss their ongoing effort to ensure the protection of parental rights.
Host Steve Doocy interviewed the local leaders on Fox & Friends this morning regarding their recently passed parental notification policy and the immediate lawsuit from Attorney General Matthew Platkin.
"Within twenty-four hours of us passing our policy, the AG filed a lawsuit against Middletown….and said our policy was discriminatory,” said Vice-President Tobacco.
President Frank Capone took aim at Governor Murphy, a Middletown resident, when asked by Doocy what his message was :
“We have a Governor who is consistently putting politics ahead of children…[he’s] a lame duck Governor to begin with and legislators on both sides of the aisle really need to wake up.”
Check out the full interview: