Don't let the child predators discourage you. Keep shedding light on this issue.

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The narrative of the insane end intentionally disingenuous is more outrageous on a daily basis. I’m not sure who’s more pathetic. The supposed, plaintiff or you.

So now that it’s something to do with a non-political issue deflection device bigoted emotional torture to a marginalized group, I don’t care if it’s just an accusation. You mean like there’s no conviction or any real evidence of such other than people saying shit. Just like you. People saying shit. That’s kind of people should not be allowed on engagement Internet websites.

You’re an agitprop tool. Pro tip, fellating the ongoing criminal enterprise that is the GOP currently, is a terrible optic and will not look good on your résumé sweetheart !

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So let’s see here. You have got name calling and smears with no actual facts to dispute anything. And on top of all that you believe the first amendment is garbage and you should decide who gets to speak on the internet? Did I get that right? Or are you going to resort to smears and name calling because you cannot dispute any facts here either?

It’s hard to believe 4 people actually liked your post. What exactly did they “like” about it exactly? It’s a bunch of hyperbole without addressing any specifics. Through a few big words around and a blast against the GOP and suddenly the ignorant are impressed? I guess it’s working for you if you’ve got a few people to like your comment. But it’s a sad state when your rants are accepted as worthy of anything but the trash.

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Nice projection Mikey

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This article is a piece of shiet. I dont approve as a 82 year old man who lives in Florida. Fek you.

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The school interfered with the kid's existing ongoing treatment. Just mid-boggling that they would think it appropriate to attempt a deep psychological intervention like social transition without the parents' permission. They are going to lose in court, and lose big.

Dr. Erica Anderson, a trans woman herself and clinician with 4 decades experience working with trans kids, testified in a similar case that "schools facilitating the social transition of children without parental consent are violating mental health practices".


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This is saddening that the parents are doing this. Just let the kid be

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It's the school that won't let the kid be. Health care is the parents' responsibility.

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There is no “justice” to be had except for letting the father’s son to go back to school. It’s the kid’s life to live, not the father’s life to control.

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I signed up for this ridiculous site just to leave this comment. This botched attempt at journalism is dangerous. First of all, he did not "transition"- what happened is an educator who probably cares for this child, respected him enough to refer to him by his preferred pronouns. The language used alone is dangerous and misleading.

You clearly are siding with the father- where's the mom in this? I would bet my life the father is not involved enough with this child to be privy to the sensitive information of the child. He doesn't know for a reason! The proclaimed trauma the child is being treated for I guarentee is from this dad. His next trauma is going to be from this transphobic garbage.

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Did you actually read the lawsuit? The mother passed away when the child was 14 years old. That is why there is a history of trauma and the father had her in therapy.

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Mother passed away when the child was 4 years old. Fact check yourself…

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Commenting without reading the article, nice job.

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No cunty, I did. You just don't like my opinion. F yourself

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Adding profanity to deranged ignorance. Beauty.

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You're just an ignorant, hateful human. Literally go f yourself.

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Where do I even start? This is a formalized version of a madman's worst hallucinations given digital form. The structure is all over the place, and the grammar is completely wrong in some places. Even missing periods, occasionally. How? How the fuck do you mess that up? Get your shit together and go back to the school newspaper. You've shown no concrete evidence that this is a violation, you've just been stoking the fire with your rank-ass journalism. Oh, and that's not all. It's not a constitutional right to know everything that happens in a school environment. Ever hear of confidentiality? Of course, you'd pretend you didn't. Americans aren't entitled to know what's going on at all times. Classified documents exist for a damn reason. You aren't nearly as great as you think you are. You're a tripping hazard in hell. Stop being transphobic and accept that you aren't special. I'm here for the student, and nothing will change my mind.

repent in the best and most soul-enlightening way possible :3

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So let me get this strait. You believe parents have no rights concerning their minor child and it’s up to bureaucrats to decide on behalf of what the child thinks is the best course of action? Is that what you are stating?

The child was under the care of a doctor. What gives a bureaucrat the right to supersede the care of a physician hired by a parent or guardian? Like you said, there is no constitutional protection for school administrators for school administrators to decide everything that’s best for a given child. So what is it exactly that supersedes the parent’s rights for the school to decide this important decision.

You claim only to be on the side of the child. But what exactly do YOU know about this child’s situation other than the very limited remarks here. You don’t have enough information to make a decision on what’s best for THIS child, nor do I. But you assume the child wants to be a different gender because that’s what the school claims. What other evidence do you have that it’s just as simple as that?

It seems to me that anyone who cares about this particular child would need to know a lot more of the exact circumstances happening before making judgements about the parent or student.

You’ve made the assumption that anyone who supports a parent’s right to make decisions on behalf of their child is automatically “transphobic”. This is pure ignorance. Not every parental decision is automatically transphobic if the parent hasn’t gone full board with a child’s decision to go trans. There are countless other explanations for this situation which you cannot know. Unfortunately, it has to be decided in a courtroom to get to the truth.

Maybe it’s you who has some sort of phobia against parents? IDK, Are you projecting your own phobias due to some sort of perceived childhood mistreatment of yourself onto this parent? Whatever your situation was is not the same as this situation. You know almost nothing about this child or their parent. Yet you think you do and can speak for the child. You cannot. No one commenting here can.

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"You don’t have enough information to make a decision on what’s best for THIS child, nor do I." Exactly. You don't know what's best either. The child could have had a bad home life (like one that would, perhaps, require therapeutical assistance?) and not be trusting of their parents. The school would be the best place to go in that case. They respected the confidentiality of the situation. But now this trash article is claiming that they transitioned the child, not that the child simply asked to have their transition respected.

And might I ask why we don't hear a meaningful opinion other than from the child's father? Are they perhaps cherry picking information?

Also, why are you using "bureaucrat" instead of school official? Are you trying to make them sound more heartless and/or distant from the child? Because that's the very opposite of what school officials are for.

Don't claim I'm instantly calling transphobic because I don't support the parent's right to not allow it. I'm saying it's transphobic because it cherry picks info like hell, and intentionally uses language that makes the school sound bad for respecting the child's transition.

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Guiding the child's health care is not the school's job, it's the parents'. Deciding whether a parent is abusive is not the school's job either, it's social services.

Face it, the school is pursuing an ideological agenda and infringing on the child's and parent's rights to be free of their interference.

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Yes, yes, yes!! These commenters are insane. They should all go to Texas and remove themselves from the U.S.

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Oh, and wrong form of straight, sweetie. 4th grade is really getting to you, huh?

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That's a lot of words. You realize that besides you and me. All the other comments have been from legitimate child predators. They don't care what you write. Though like you said, maybe in the past, his mommy wouldn't give him a cookie and now he hates all parental authority.

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Dude. The child was literally getting help from a therapist. Judging by their distrust, they probably were traumatized or scarred by their parents. And so, they approached the school so they'd get some form of confidentiality while still getting referred to by their preferred pronouns.

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The kid does not belong to the school. You are a delusional maniac

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Did I ever claim that the kid did? If you wanna see a delusional maniac, check the mirror.

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Back to your catbox, kid.

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EXACTLY!! This was written like garbage and the underlying argument is based on hate and transphobia. The commenters are just as ignorant.

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Ladies and Gentlemen - I present, your typical trans activist! Hostile, deranged, profane, ignorant.

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Jun 8·edited Jun 8

No one will ever love your child the way that you do. As a parent, I’m appalled that any school system can deceive parents daily by lying about their own children’s names & behavior at schools.

I’m appalled that schools (& our government’s new regulations) are enforcing conformity to a risky & unproven “trans-cult ideology” that posits that all confused or mentally traumatized kids (as regards their sexuality) are, of course, the “opposite sex”.

The trans-cult ideology is enforcing rigid sex roles.

As an early, long-time feminist, the main focus was on loving ourselves the way that we were/are & NOT enforcing strict gender or clothing rules on us.

Please read this substack - PITT - Parents with Inconvenient Truths about Trans (PITT) - to learn more about this issue - about kids, parents & their families’ struggles & heartaches w/this promoted ideology - & also exactly what so many trans/ de-transitioners have experienced/learned themselves.

Recent article: An Open Letter to Parents from A Truthful Therapist - Believe in yourself, because you have it in you - Jun 05, 2024


If one’s sex or genitalia doesn’t define your gender/sex, as the trans-cultists all argue, then why does removing those same physical genitalia or dressing like the opposite sex, “make” you the opposite sex? It doesn’t. One’s “sex” is a biological fact & an immutable physical trait but your performance of that biological sex can vary widely. And no one needs or must conform to rigid sex roles or gender/clothing expectations in order to be a girl or a boy. Especially not by removing any physical genitalia.

The misguided belief that a child must know they are in the wrong body is contrary to many studies of public & societal coercion/brainwashing & also the thousands of “trans” de-transitioners who now regret their misguided “transitions” in recent years.

Under the US laws, all children in the US are minor children under parental protections until the age of 18. No school or government can circumvent that. Parental rights are paramount unless those parents are CLEARLY abusing or mis-treating their children. Not going along w/flawed trans-ideology is not abusing one’s child, but protecting their interests.

We must truly stand up for a child’s right to be confused about their bodies & sexuality, as we all were/are in our puberty, & still help them through this confusing time period of physical changes to become strong adults in their own precious physical bodies - and without endless drugs/medications or physical mutilations.

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